Located a short drive from Santa Fe, NM, Albuquerque Florist can create dazzling floral designs for same day delivery in most cases. Besides floral arrangements, Albuquerque Florist also delivers fruit baskets, gourmet baskets, tropical flowers, green and blooming plants, and more with delivery available seven days a week to Santa Fe. Whether you're looking for a birthday gift or your perfect wedding flowers, our floral designs will enchant and delight everyone who sees them and are sure to please that special someone. The dedicated florists here at Albuquerque Florist look forward to filling all of your floral needs for any occasion!
Store Information
Albuquerque Florist
(505) 881-3336
3121 San Mateo NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Santa Fe, NM isn't the only location available for delivery! Click the button below to find out where Albuquerque Florist delivers to.
Same Day Delivery
We offer same day delivery to Albuquerque and surrounding areas when you order before certain times. This includes Santa Fe, NM so don't hesitate to order today!
Handmade Arrangements
All of our arrangements are handmade and we carefully select the best blooms for each order. Including our arrangements that we make for
Santa Fe, NM.
Happiness Guaranteed
We guarantee you'll be happy with your arrangement when it arrives in
Santa Fe, NM. Plus we offer a 100% fresh guarantee on all our arrangements!
Local Florist
Albuquerque Florist is a local florist here to serve you from two locations. We also serve the surrounding areas including Santa Fe, NM.
Our Promise
We work hard to create your flowers exactly like you see them on our site, but it may be necessary to create your bouquet with other flowers due to the availability of certain flowers. Find out more about our policies here and contact us if you have any other questions about our products!