Stunning Beauty Bouquet
The Stunning Beauty Bouquet is an absolutely lovely way to send your love and affection across the miles. Fragrant Stargazer lilies stretch their star-like petals across a bed of rich red roses, lavender carnations, red Peruvian lilies, purple...
Garden Walk Bouquet
The Garden Walk Bouquet is an exquisite expression of natural beauty and grace. Assorted lavender roses, rich red roses, purple stock and lush greens have a fresh look of floral elegance presented in a modern clear glass vase to create a sweet sentiment...
Unity Bouquet
The Unity Bouquet sparks the hearts of all Americans with its patriotic beauty and dazzling color. Bright red roses mingle with blue iris arranged amongst white Peruvian lilies and assorted greens. Accented with two American Flags and a red, white and...
Spring Sunshine Centerpiece
The Spring Sunshine Centerpiece blooms with a bright energy and freshness to help you celebrate throughout the spring months ahead. Brilliant yellow Asiatic lilies, traditional daisies and solidago pop with color and spring charm when combined with...
Miracles Light Hanukkah Bouquet
The Miracles Light Hanukkah Bouquet celebrates each miraculous moment of this festive and meaningful holiday with its abundance of beautiful blooms. Blue iris creates a splash of color against a backdrop of white roses and white Asiatic lilies accented...
Stand For Love!
Stand For Love! This bold floral mix includes Red Carnations, Orange Spray Roses, Yellow Viking Poms, Green Button Poms, Purple Alstroemeria, and Blue Delphinium. Let Albuquerque Florist provide same day flower delivery in the Albuquerque...
Everviolet Planter
Experience the enchanting beauty of African violets with the Everviolet Planter, a captivating display of vibrant blooms and lush foliage. This thoughtfully curated arrangement is designed to celebrate the elegance and timeless charm of these beloved...
Love Wins!
Love Wins! This bright and beautiful floral mix includes Red Roses, Orange Spray Roses, Yellow Gerbera Daisies, Yellow Solidago Green Bells Of Ireland, Green Button Poms, Purple Mums, Limonium and Blue Hydrangea. Let Albuquerque Florist...
Love Is Love!
Love is Love! This lively floral mix includes Red Roses, Orange Gerbera Daisies, Yellow Solidago, Green Button Poms, Purple Stock and Blue Hydrangea. Let Albuquerque Florist provide same day flower delivery in the Albuquerque New Mexico...
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