Lovely Tribute Bouquet is a warm and blushing display of peace and beauty, set to honor the deceased and bring comfort to family and friends. Pink gladiolus, pale pink roses, bi-color pink roses, pink Asiatic lilies and an assortment of lush greens create a sophisticated arrangement seated in a clear glass gathering vase, symbolizing your heartfelt love and sympathy.
Lovely Bouquet
- UPC:
Writing this review, because the ALBUQUERQUE Florist blew my mind when they sent me a whole new bouquet after I had mentioned that the transportation of the bouquet had wilted the flowers. I wrote the comment and two days later the new gorgeous bouquet arrived. Thank you guys. Taking care of you customer at it finest -Johnny Marcus
Thank you! Amazing arrangement, you guys nailed it. I am excited that we have found a floral designer who gets it. Nobody else we have used in Albuquerque comes close! Nicely done! You are our new favorite -Robert Jordan
2 months ago We ordered flowers for Delivery to the services of the mother of someone dear to us. We are in a state thousands of miles away and it was so easy to call this florist and the wonderful person taking the order (Grace) was so kind, professional and helpful! The friend called after his mom's services and sent us a photo of the beautiful flowers you did for us. Your company did a wonderful job and we are so grateful for the care in making the most beautiful spray! Top skills and care. Thank you so much! -Lianne Hopper
I was very pleased with my experience because they delivered the flowers I orders in great condition, at the time they promised, and on Mother's Day when they were experiencing a very high volume of orders. I will use them again. -Michael Tapscott
A good friend of our passed away who had moved to Albuquerque and we wanted to send flowers to her memorial service. After trolling the Internet, and calling about 10 different (what appeared to be higher end) florists, I finally called Albuquerque Florist. Trust me, if you’re calling from out of town, do not use some online florist and don’t waste your time calling anyone else. They were friendly, helpful, prompt, professional, and definitely floral artists. Thank you so much! Your beautiful flowers will make this sad day more cheerful. -Stuart Bollock
Our Love Eternal Bouquet
Our Love Eternal Bouquet is a symbol of unending love and affection in the time of great loss. Brilliant red roses and spray roses pop against a bed of white hydrangea simply accented with stems of...
Petite Bouquet
These Petite arrangements are farm direct and come with a "petite" price. These arrangement come only as a designers choice and we can not guarantee color. Each bouquet comes with 18 stems of...
Magnificent Bouquet
Bring beauty to any occasion with the deep purples and playful pinks of this breathtaking bouquet.
BoyOhBoy Bouquet
The BoyOhBoy Bouquet employs roses and Asiatic lilies to send your bright and sunny congratulations on the birth of their new baby boy! Yellow roses and carnations are brought together with pale...