Recommended delivery date is 2 to 3 days before your event. Delphinium is available year round. Each stem features multiple blooms running the length of the stem.
Delphinium is packaged 10 stems per bunch. Average stem length is a minimum of 20 inches and a maximum of 27.5 inches. Delphinium also comes in white and light blue. All orders must be made at least one week in advance - Colors will vary at mother natures discretion - If you have any specific requests please make them upon ordering Note: Delphinium stems are fragile, please handle with care -Bunch products cannot be added into arrangements -Bunch products sold as is and loose wrapped in brown paper -No breaking up colors. Bunches must remain as is. -Customer is responsible for cutting cleaning and making sure product is in water after purchase. - available for pick-up.
Delphinium Bunch