Recommended delivery date is 4 days before your event. Lilies are available year round and in multiple colors. Each stem has an average of 3 to 5 blooms. Asiatic Lilies have blooms that face upward from the center. Lilies are shipped with 10 stems per bunch. Average stem length is 20 to 24 inches. Lilies carry a lot of pollen. Even after the pollen has been removed, people may have allergic reactions to the flowers. All orders must be made at least one week in advance - Colors will vary at mother natures discretion - If you have any specific requests please make them upon ordering Note: Asiatic Lily stems are fragile, please handle with care -Bunch products cannot be added into arrangements -Bunch products sold as is and loose wrapped in brown paper -No breaking up colors. Bunches must remain as is. -Customer is responsible for cutting cleaning and making sure product is in water after purchase. - available for pick-up
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